We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air
See the lights
See the party, the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd
And say hello, little did I know
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away
from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go,
and I said
Romeo take me somewhere we
can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to
do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be
the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while
Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away
from Juliet
But you were everything of me
I was begging you please don't
go and I said
Romeo take me somewhere we
can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to
do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be
the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes
Romeo save me, they're tryin to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story baby just say yes
Oh oh
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever
coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you
never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and
pulled out a ring
And said,
marry me Juliet
You'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story baby just say yes
Oh, oh,
Oh, oh
Cause we were both young
when I first saw you...
Ne lagu yg dah kluar lumayan lama... Tapi g mtusin utk bhs ne skrg. ^^a
Sp yg ga tw lgu Love Story c.
Awalny g branggapan klo ne lagu tu biasa2 aja.
Enak ddgr tp yah g biasa2 aja gt.
Ptama x g dgr tu d mtv. Tanggapan awal g y, "wah, boleh jg ne." tapi ga ckup utk bkin g pgen pny laguny.
Nah, trz smggu kmren, tmen g lg sk ma ne lgu.
Entah knp g bpkrn g jg pgen d ne lagu.
Toh, lumayan kn laguny.
Trz g dgr2in lah.
G nangis.
Ok, ne ga lcu so jgn ktawa.
Ne lagu romantis bgt.
Yang pas
"Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you
never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and
pulled out a ring
And said,
marry me Juliet
You'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really
Mata g lgsg bkaca2.
Jgn blg g lebay!
Emg laguny romantis bgt!
Ga sah djlasin artiny lah y.
Isn't it obvious? XP
Tapi, g bkn fans dy c. Mnrut g c suarany bgus tp bgusny biasa2 ajah.
Ok then.
Ja ne,
I'll live
Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010
Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010
Pokemon The Movie
G emang akan ngbahas Pokemon the movie ^^
Tapi ga semua
Hm, yang paling baru skarang sbenarnya tuh yang ke 13.
Ntah apa jdulnya g blom cari tau lagi
Krn yang k 13 tu baru kluar di Japan taon ne
Klo d Japan ajah baru kluar taon ne, di sne mgkin taon dpan
Nah, jadi g akn ngbahas movie yang baru2 ne ajah ^^
Dmulai dari 10th Movie
Tapi ga semua
Hm, yang paling baru skarang sbenarnya tuh yang ke 13.
Ntah apa jdulnya g blom cari tau lagi
Krn yang k 13 tu baru kluar di Japan taon ne
Klo d Japan ajah baru kluar taon ne, di sne mgkin taon dpan
Nah, jadi g akn ngbahas movie yang baru2 ne ajah ^^
Dmulai dari 10th Movie
Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl the Movie:
Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai
劇場版ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール ディアルガVSパルキアVSダークライ,
Gekijōban Poketto Monsutā Daiyamondo ando Pāru Diaruga Tai Parukia Tai Dākurai
Pokemon the Movie: The Rise of Darkrai
Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai
劇場版ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール ディアルガVSパルキアVSダークライ,
Gekijōban Poketto Monsutā Daiyamondo ando Pāru Diaruga Tai Parukia Tai Dākurai

Peran utama yah ga sah djlasin lagi lah y ^^
Ash Ketchum aka Satoshi & ga klupaan Pikachu
Summary ny tuh kayak gne
D dunia pokemon, smua tuh bjalan smpai ada ssuatu yg terjadi.
Pokemon yg dianggap dewa penguasa Space n Time tiba2 bertarung ga jelas gtu
Emg ga jlas, org tau2 dibuka dgn adegan pertarungan mereka =P
Nah, k2 dewa tuh adalah

Ash Ketchum aka Satoshi & ga klupaan Pikachu
Summary ny tuh kayak gne
D dunia pokemon, smua tuh bjalan smpai ada ssuatu yg terjadi.
Pokemon yg dianggap dewa penguasa Space n Time tiba2 bertarung ga jelas gtu
Emg ga jlas, org tau2 dibuka dgn adegan pertarungan mereka =P
Nah, k2 dewa tuh adalah

Jujur dikata g ga suka kedua2nya ^^
Haduh mereka tuh di movie ne kjaannya beranteeemm mulu
Itu karen ak2 dunia yg mereka kuasai masing2 ga seharusnya bertemu
Karena ada suatu hal yang mengganggu dimensi mereka, mkny mreka ktmu dan brantem.
Mreka brantem knapa? Krn k 2-2 nya tuh ga pna ktmuan dan branggapan bahwa wilayah mreka masing2 dimsuki oleh sesuatu yg asing.
Jadi mreka hanya memprthankan wilayah mreka masing2
Yah, layaknya binatang yg nyari posisi mreka
Pertarungan mreka tuh mpe kluar dari ruang mreka.
Ptarungan mreka mpe dibawa k Alamos City
Nah, sbelum mreka datang, Ash dkk tuh dah nyampe dsna dluan.
Pokemon fave g ada di sana!!!
Jadi mreka hanya memprthankan wilayah mreka masing2
Yah, layaknya binatang yg nyari posisi mreka
Pertarungan mreka tuh mpe kluar dari ruang mreka.
Ptarungan mreka mpe dibawa k Alamos City
Nah, sbelum mreka datang, Ash dkk tuh dah nyampe dsna dluan.
Pokemon fave g ada di sana!!!

Aw! Darkrai tercinta g! ^^
Biarpun dia pokemon dia kereeeeen bgt!!
Haduh suka banget lah g ma dia!
Darkrai punya sifat yg pnyendiri dan lagi dia tu punya kekuatan memberi mimpi buruk jadi banyak org yg ngira Darkrai tu pokemon yang gelap dan jahat, tapi sebenarnya tu di balik sifat dia yg penyendiri dan kekuatannya tu, dia pokemon yg peduli dan perhatian.
Dia akhirnya membuka hatinya untuk seorang perempuan yg mnolong dia.
Aaaaa!!! Kereeen!!! (histeris)
Nah, pas Ash dia org dtg k Alamos, dia datang 'mengusir'.
Bukan cm Ash, tapi smua orang yang ada di sana.
Alasannya bkn krn dia tu terganggu ato ingin mengganggu.
Tu karena ptarungan Palkia n Dialga akan blangsung dstu.
Darkrai tu ga jahat!!!!
Dia bae! Keren!
Movie ne tuh adalah Anniversary nya Pokemon
Jadi ga diragukan ne bagus bgt.
Lanjoet lanjoet
Movie yg ke 11
Biarpun dia pokemon dia kereeeeen bgt!!
Haduh suka banget lah g ma dia!
Darkrai punya sifat yg pnyendiri dan lagi dia tu punya kekuatan memberi mimpi buruk jadi banyak org yg ngira Darkrai tu pokemon yang gelap dan jahat, tapi sebenarnya tu di balik sifat dia yg penyendiri dan kekuatannya tu, dia pokemon yg peduli dan perhatian.
Dia akhirnya membuka hatinya untuk seorang perempuan yg mnolong dia.
Aaaaa!!! Kereeen!!! (histeris)
Nah, pas Ash dia org dtg k Alamos, dia datang 'mengusir'.
Bukan cm Ash, tapi smua orang yang ada di sana.
Alasannya bkn krn dia tu terganggu ato ingin mengganggu.
Tu karena ptarungan Palkia n Dialga akan blangsung dstu.
Darkrai tu ga jahat!!!!
Dia bae! Keren!
Movie ne tuh adalah Anniversary nya Pokemon
Jadi ga diragukan ne bagus bgt.
Lanjoet lanjoet
Movie yg ke 11
Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl the Movie:
Giratina and the Sky Bouquet: Shaymin
劇場版ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール ギラティナと氷空(そら)の花束 シェイミ,
Gekijōban Poketto Monsutā Daiyamondo ando Pāru Giratina to Sora no Hanataba Sheimi
Pokemon The Movie: Giratina and The Sky Warrior
Nah, movie yg k 11 ne tu bhubungan ma yg sblumnya
Pokemon utamanya kali ini tuh ada dua
Yg muncul paling ptama dulu yah,
Dia ne pokemon yang paling nybelin yg pna g liat
Lbih nyebelin drpd Charizard nya Ash
Ah, sangat ga suka d.
Shaymin pokemon yg bisa membersihkan udara.
Kalo Dialga n Palkia adalah penguasa waktu dan ruang, Giratina adalah penguasa sisi lain atao dimensi lain aka Reverse World dari dunia manusia di Pokemon world.
Jadi apa yg terjadi di dimensi manusia akan bdampak jg pada dimensi yg djaga Giratina.
Namanya jg Reverse World..
Giratina tu ga suka ma Palkia n Dialga.
Krn mreka b2 pnah brantem di dunia manusia, Giratina tuh jadi krepotan ngrusin dunia nya sndri.
O ya, Giratina tu pny 2 versi ya
Versi ptama, yg kayak cacing tu, form yg dia pake klo dia lagi brada di Reverse World. Vice Versa ^^
Nah, apa hubnya Shaymin ma Giratina?
Sbnarny ga da hub apa2. ^^
Krn sdkit mistake, Shaymin kbawa ma Giratina k Reverse World
Shaymin tu punya kekuatan yg namanya Seed Flare
Seed Flare tu lahyg mbersihkan udara.
Krn sdkit mistake jg, Seed Flare Shaymin meledak dReverse World, krena ada ldakan tu, dinding transparan ato batas antara reverse world dgn dunia asli tu jg ikut brguncang.
Ash yg lg kbtulan tu ksdot k Reverse World.
Yah, inti nya c gtu
G dah rada lupa soalnya ^^
Nah, sampailah kita pd pmbahasan trakhir.
Yang k12
Giratina and the Sky Bouquet: Shaymin
劇場版ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール ギラティナと氷空(そら)の花束 シェイミ,
Gekijōban Poketto Monsutā Daiyamondo ando Pāru Giratina to Sora no Hanataba Sheimi

Nah, movie yg k 11 ne tu bhubungan ma yg sblumnya
Pokemon utamanya kali ini tuh ada dua
Yg muncul paling ptama dulu yah,
Dia ne pokemon yang paling nybelin yg pna g liat
Lbih nyebelin drpd Charizard nya Ash
Ah, sangat ga suka d.
Shaymin pokemon yg bisa membersihkan udara.
Kalo Dialga n Palkia adalah penguasa waktu dan ruang, Giratina adalah penguasa sisi lain atao dimensi lain aka Reverse World dari dunia manusia di Pokemon world.
Jadi apa yg terjadi di dimensi manusia akan bdampak jg pada dimensi yg djaga Giratina.
Namanya jg Reverse World..
Giratina tu ga suka ma Palkia n Dialga.
Krn mreka b2 pnah brantem di dunia manusia, Giratina tuh jadi krepotan ngrusin dunia nya sndri.
O ya, Giratina tu pny 2 versi ya
Versi ptama, yg kayak cacing tu, form yg dia pake klo dia lagi brada di Reverse World. Vice Versa ^^
Nah, apa hubnya Shaymin ma Giratina?
Sbnarny ga da hub apa2. ^^
Krn sdkit mistake, Shaymin kbawa ma Giratina k Reverse World
Shaymin tu punya kekuatan yg namanya Seed Flare
Seed Flare tu lahyg mbersihkan udara.
Krn sdkit mistake jg, Seed Flare Shaymin meledak dReverse World, krena ada ldakan tu, dinding transparan ato batas antara reverse world dgn dunia asli tu jg ikut brguncang.
Ash yg lg kbtulan tu ksdot k Reverse World.
Yah, inti nya c gtu
G dah rada lupa soalnya ^^
Nah, sampailah kita pd pmbahasan trakhir.
Yang k12
Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl the Movie:
Arceus: To the Conquering of Space-Time
劇場版ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール アルセウス 超克の時空へ,
Gekijōban Poketto Monsutā Daiyamondo ando Pāru: Aruseusu Chōkoku no Jikū e

Arceus: To the Conquering of Space-Time
劇場版ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール アルセウス 超克の時空へ,
Gekijōban Poketto Monsutā Daiyamondo ando Pāru: Aruseusu Chōkoku no Jikū e

Ne movie yg paling g suka di antara movie2 pokemon yg laen ^^
Nah, dsne dcritain knp dunia Palkia n Dialga berbenturan, knapa dunia Giratina pun ikut jadi ga beres. Pnyebabnya dcritain smua dsne ^^.
Tiga Pokemon legendaris tu (Palkkia, Dialga dan Giratina) tu dipimpin oleh saru pokemon terkuat. Pokemon yang meciptakan (katanya) dunia dan pokemon2nya, Arceus.

Nah, dsne dcritain knp dunia Palkia n Dialga berbenturan, knapa dunia Giratina pun ikut jadi ga beres. Pnyebabnya dcritain smua dsne ^^.
Tiga Pokemon legendaris tu (Palkkia, Dialga dan Giratina) tu dipimpin oleh saru pokemon terkuat. Pokemon yang meciptakan (katanya) dunia dan pokemon2nya, Arceus.

Dia kereeeeeen bgt!
Krn dia tu dsbut sbgai The Original One, dia punya smua kekuatan.
Dia punya 16 plate yg nglingkarin badan dia dan mrupakan nyawa n kekuatan dia.
5 di antaranya adalah Water, Grass, Ground, Electricity and Dragon
Nah, dia mlepas 5 tu untuk dibuat jadi Jewel of Life
Jewel of Life tu dpake buat menghidupkan lingkungan yang saat tu masih tandus.
Arceus mempercayakan jewel of life tu pada Damos karena Arceus mlemah tanpa tu.
Damos harusnya ngbalikin jewel tu pada Solar Eclipse tapi krn sesuatu Jewel ga kmbali pada Arceus. Malah dia menjadi lemah dan tidur panjang. Amat panjang.
Sampai akhirnya dia bangun dgn pnuh dndam.
Nah, dsne ktiga guadian space and time tu balik lagi.
Huaa yg ne crita amat rbet, tapi juga bagus sangat ^^
Mengharukan juga lho ^^
Arceus yang cantik.. hahaha
Dia Male kok
G rasa ngbahas pokemonnya mpe sne dlu d.
Udah banyak bgt ne ^^
Ja ne,
I'll live
Krn dia tu dsbut sbgai The Original One, dia punya smua kekuatan.
Dia punya 16 plate yg nglingkarin badan dia dan mrupakan nyawa n kekuatan dia.
5 di antaranya adalah Water, Grass, Ground, Electricity and Dragon
Nah, dia mlepas 5 tu untuk dibuat jadi Jewel of Life
Jewel of Life tu dpake buat menghidupkan lingkungan yang saat tu masih tandus.
Arceus mempercayakan jewel of life tu pada Damos karena Arceus mlemah tanpa tu.
Damos harusnya ngbalikin jewel tu pada Solar Eclipse tapi krn sesuatu Jewel ga kmbali pada Arceus. Malah dia menjadi lemah dan tidur panjang. Amat panjang.
Sampai akhirnya dia bangun dgn pnuh dndam.
Nah, dsne ktiga guadian space and time tu balik lagi.
Huaa yg ne crita amat rbet, tapi juga bagus sangat ^^
Mengharukan juga lho ^^
Arceus yang cantik.. hahaha
Dia Male kok
G rasa ngbahas pokemonnya mpe sne dlu d.
Udah banyak bgt ne ^^
Ja ne,

I'll live
Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010
Craziest Lecturer I Ever Have!
It's not my experience to tell but I can't help myself to write it!
I usually do this in Indonesia. For some reasons, I prefer this in English.
Yeah, it's about my lecturer and about my friend.
I won't say his name. Let me just call him C for crazy.
My friend... I will call her F then
F has a chronic disease called Asthma
She can't stay under an air conditioner
She can't stay being yelled (her condition will go wrong)
She must not be disturbed if she is angry or the world will crumbled down =P
Yeah, she's a bit spoiled but she's a good girl and a good friend
Today, she came late to class. There's no place for her in class to sit
So she sat near the air conditioner. She didn't want it but C told her to sit there.
Then, she began to feel unwell. Because of that, she switched her place so the cold air wouldn't reach her. C saw that and asked "What are you doing there??? Who told you to move???"
I have heard that C's dad was a soldier so he was raised by his father with a hard way.
We must report everything to him about what we're going to do. Even switching places.
Before that, my friend already annoyed him by talking in class. I think that time, C couldn't accept that.
My friend said that she couldn't hold the air. C kept forcing her to move back to her original place. He even said "If you can't hold the air, just go out."
Hah! Of course, my friend, being a good girl, listened to him. She went out.
But, C yelled at her. She yelled back because she couldn't hold her breath any longer.
I mean.. her breath, her asthma.
She just went out..
Later then, she hadn't come back even after the class was over.
Later then we (my friends and I) found her unconscious in bathroom.
Of course we panicked!!!
She even locked the door! We told the security to break down the door
After that, she was sent to campus pharmacy..
That's why I call C Crazy!!!
He is harsh and hurt other people!!
I thought I'm the only one who felt this way
But My other friend felt more than anger. ^^a
She's scarier than the lecturer.
I never said that he was bad or evil or something connected to that.
He's... well not evil but he's harsh!
Very harsh! Did he ever think that he could have killed someone's daughter!!???
Ok, that's lame but still true!
He's not evil because he's not a score-playing lecturer.
He said that if we try hard enough for his lesson, he will care for you.
But still! Harsh!
I've never seen someone as harsh as him.
In the end, my friend who has an asthma to him.
We can't fight him. C said it really clear and loud, "Whatever you do or did, i will always win."
She didn't want to risk her score just because that.
C forgave her real easily and quick. C just said, "Tell me if you're not feeling well, I'll allow you."
Just like that.
We, as a student, can only listen to lecturer.
I admit that F was wrong because she didn't ask for C's permission
C is wrong too! Can he just go easy on a sick person?????
crazy soldier freak....
After F feeling well, we went to karaoke.
Yes, I know that is crazy. F just wanted to release her stress.
I can not and won't bring myself to like that lecturer.
No matter how wise he is, but I respect him and I care for my score.
So I won't go against him though it hurt my pride.
Talking about sacrifice...
Why do students always feel that way????
It feels so good to let that out.
I have been holding it in from that time when F was being yelled.
Ja ne,
I'll live
It's not my experience to tell but I can't help myself to write it!
I usually do this in Indonesia. For some reasons, I prefer this in English.
Yeah, it's about my lecturer and about my friend.
I won't say his name. Let me just call him C for crazy.
My friend... I will call her F then
F has a chronic disease called Asthma
She can't stay under an air conditioner
She can't stay being yelled (her condition will go wrong)
She must not be disturbed if she is angry or the world will crumbled down =P
Yeah, she's a bit spoiled but she's a good girl and a good friend
Today, she came late to class. There's no place for her in class to sit
So she sat near the air conditioner. She didn't want it but C told her to sit there.
Then, she began to feel unwell. Because of that, she switched her place so the cold air wouldn't reach her. C saw that and asked "What are you doing there??? Who told you to move???"
I have heard that C's dad was a soldier so he was raised by his father with a hard way.
We must report everything to him about what we're going to do. Even switching places.
Before that, my friend already annoyed him by talking in class. I think that time, C couldn't accept that.
My friend said that she couldn't hold the air. C kept forcing her to move back to her original place. He even said "If you can't hold the air, just go out."
Hah! Of course, my friend, being a good girl, listened to him. She went out.
But, C yelled at her. She yelled back because she couldn't hold her breath any longer.
I mean.. her breath, her asthma.
She just went out..
Later then, she hadn't come back even after the class was over.
Later then we (my friends and I) found her unconscious in bathroom.
Of course we panicked!!!
She even locked the door! We told the security to break down the door
After that, she was sent to campus pharmacy..
That's why I call C Crazy!!!
He is harsh and hurt other people!!
I thought I'm the only one who felt this way
But My other friend felt more than anger. ^^a
She's scarier than the lecturer.
I never said that he was bad or evil or something connected to that.
He's... well not evil but he's harsh!
Very harsh! Did he ever think that he could have killed someone's daughter!!???
Ok, that's lame but still true!
He's not evil because he's not a score-playing lecturer.
He said that if we try hard enough for his lesson, he will care for you.
But still! Harsh!
I've never seen someone as harsh as him.
In the end, my friend who has an asthma to him.
We can't fight him. C said it really clear and loud, "Whatever you do or did, i will always win."
She didn't want to risk her score just because that.
C forgave her real easily and quick. C just said, "Tell me if you're not feeling well, I'll allow you."
Just like that.
We, as a student, can only listen to lecturer.
I admit that F was wrong because she didn't ask for C's permission
C is wrong too! Can he just go easy on a sick person?????
crazy soldier freak....
After F feeling well, we went to karaoke.
Yes, I know that is crazy. F just wanted to release her stress.
I can not and won't bring myself to like that lecturer.
No matter how wise he is, but I respect him and I care for my score.
So I won't go against him though it hurt my pride.
Talking about sacrifice...
Why do students always feel that way????
It feels so good to let that out.
I have been holding it in from that time when F was being yelled.
Ja ne,
I'll live
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